Carbon black is produced by pyrolysis of hydrocarbons at high temperatures under controlled process conditions.

Due to the production process, traces of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) exist, which are bonded to the surface. PAHs are organic compounds, that can arise as impurities during the production of carbon black. They are not added intentionally and do not perform any specific function, but are produced by the incomplete combustion of the organic substances.

PAHs are an alarming group of substances for humans and environmental organisms and are found throughout the environment in the air, water, and soil and can persist in the environment for months or years. The effects on human health will depend mainly on the extent and amount of exposure, the innate toxicity of the PAHs and whether exposure occurs via inhalation, ingestion or skin contact.

Carbon black is a substantial component of most rubber goods and plastic applications, playing an important role in the performance properties to the final product.

According to different market regulations, some applications (household, tools, inks, plastics, selected rubber parts and food contact applications) require a limited concentration of PAH, for example:

  • USA : FDA 21 CFR 178.3297
  • European Union : EU 10/2011
  • South America : Mercosur No 15/10 & Colorants No 32/07
  • Switzerland : SR 817.023.21
  • Japan : JHOSPA
  • China : GB9695-208
  • Canada : Division 23 of the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, Section B.23.001

In response to market requirements, PentaCarbon GmbH offers specialty Carbon Blacks which meet the stringent performance requirements for the final product as well as comply with low PAH and heavy metals limits such as Resolution AP(891), GS-Mark, BFR IX and Hohenstein OEKO-TEX®100.

The grades are well suited for the production of consumer goods, food contact materials, fibers and for piping and gaskets used for drinking water.

For further information, technical consultation or product recommendation, please contact us.